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Search Results for: Focus Tunable Lenses (31)

A scientist’s guide to social media: YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok (Interview)

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Combatting thermal lensing in high-power ultrafast laser systems

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Flat-top laser beams: Their uses and benefits

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White-light interferometry resolves sub-Angstrom surface roughness

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Fabrication of ultralow-roughness surfaces: The Beilby layer

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Laser Beam Quality: Beam propagation and quality factors: A primer

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Resolving damage ambiguity and laser-induced damage threshold (LIDT) complications

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Spectroscopy and Optics: Laser mirrors: High reflectance is measured best with cavity ring-down spectroscopy

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Aspheres: The impact of shape factor on asphere design

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The art and science of designing optics for laser-induced damage threshold

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Optical Design: How to select the right laser beam expander

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Optics Testing: MTF Quickly Characterizes the Performance of Imaging Systems

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Off-the-shelf edge-blackened optics speed system integration

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Edmund Optics Doubles Precision-Asphere Production Capacity

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Shopping for a spectrometer starts with your application

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UV OPTICS: New optical developments boost near-UV applications

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MULTISPECTRAL IMAGING: Imaging systems can benefit from reflective optics

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OPTICAL MANUFACTURING: Life sciences can challenge optics manufacturers

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Hybrid Optical Components Deliver Benefits for System Design

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MARKET INSIGHTS: Engineering and finance can partner to drive product development

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Simplify laser system design with dichroic filters and mirrors

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MICROSCOPY: Off-the-shelf components enable a new generation of confocal microscopy

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Ultrafast multipass cells for pulse compression

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The right stuff: Lasers and optics for ultrafast microscopy

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Laser Focus World’s top 20 photonics technology picks for 2021

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Attosecond extreme ultraviolet lasers demand high-precision multilayer mirrors

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Medical applications are a surgical fit for 2 µm lasers

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Basics of ultrafast lasers: Part 1

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Basics of ultrafast lasers: Part 2

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Basics of ultrafast lasers: Part 3

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